Category: Folic Acid, Health & Wellness Supplements, Trending Products, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12
Tag: B vitamins, B12, Boosts energy levels, Folic Acid, Health & Wellness, Health & Wellness Supplements, Methyl B12 and Folate, Miduty, Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 nutrient deficiency is a major health concern in many parts of the world. Yes, the Indian diet is deficient in vitamin B12.
People having low iron levels, menstruating women, people suffering from liver problems, those having a pale complexion, suffering from fatigue and anxiety, acidity-related issues, H. Pylori infection, and those dealing with autoimmune disease, all indicate a vitamin B12 shortage.
Miduty came up with Methyl B12 and Folate, a power-punch of Folate, B6, and B12 that acts as an energy powerhouse.[1] These are chewable tablets, which can be absorbed by the body's tissues much more easily.
Low levels of Vitamin B12 are a serious issue that needs to be addressed, as our body needs Vitamin B12 to make DNA and red blood cells and to keep our nervous system functioning properly. Additionally, it affects our mood and also prevents depression.
Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins are water-soluble and thus have a more powerful absorption rate, but they are not stored for later use. Instead, our body mechanisms function in a way that fulfills the requirement for Vitamin B12 and eliminates the rest through Urine.
Thus, it becomes crucial to routinely replenish our levels of Vitamin B12 and other water-soluble vitamins through food and supplements.
If you are not eating non-veg or organ meats, you might be low on vitamin B12. If you have an acidity problem, your body cannot
Take 2 chewables after lunch every day.
Being water-soluble, vitamin B12 has no harmful effects on the body. If you have high amounts of the same, your body can get rid of it with ease.
Since methyl folate is the active form of folate, choose it over folic acid.